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Clearance Blowout Sale
Clearance Blowout Sale

Eric Kessler

Founder of Kessler Crane

Eric Kessler seemed to be born to create. Beginning with his grandfather and continuing with his father, Eric comes from a long lineage of designers and engineers. This South Bend, Indiana native bought property, built his own home, started a family and his own business all by the age of 20. An avid paint ball player, Eric's first product, which converted a paintball gun from semi to full automatic was so well made, it immediately went to market and launched his first business.

With a passion for the film industry, Eric started assisting his friends in various productions and soon realized many of the support products for production were devoid of any new innovations and were severely overpriced. This revelation was the spark that spawned the creation of the very first Kessler Crane. One crane beget another, and it wasn't long before the Kessler name became synonymous with quality and value in the film production industry. Demand for Kessler products grew and so did his line of products.

Now, seven years later, Kessler products are helping to revolutionize how people create video and film. To fuel his passion for the film industry, it's now Eric's pleasure to support a variety of different filmmakers and productions, both financially and by providing Kessler products.

Eric now lives in Plymouth, Indiana with Jessica, his wife of 15 years and his four year old daughter Alyssa.

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