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Clearance Blowout Sale
Clearance Blowout Sale
Season of Giving Giveaway - Winners

Season of Giving Giveaway - Winners


Thank you for entering!

Here is a recap of our giveaway and the prize winners:


Winner - Tony Virili - USA Zacuto - VCT Universal Baseplate and VCT Tripod Plate Musicbed - $500 Music Licencing Credit from Kessler - $500 Gift Certificate to F-Stop Academy - Ultimate Location Video Lighting Bundle giveaway-day1


Winner - Ben Lane - Australia Zacuto - Gratical X Micro-OLED EVF with Peaking Feature Adobe - 12 Month Subscription to Creative Cloud Cinebags - CB40 High Roller and CB35 STRYKER Videomaker - Instructional Series Set of 8 DVDs and a 1 Year Magazine Subscription giveaway-day2


Winner - Ninian Mathis - Switzerland Zacuto - $1000 gift certificate to Rotolight - NEO LED Light (PLUS - a set of barn doors and a 10 piece filter pack) Mastin Labs - All Three Film Preset Packs (PLUS - Canon EOS 3 35mm film camera body) MZed - Visual Storytelling 2 and Directing Motion Workshop Downloads giveaway-day3


Winner - Bill O. - USA Zacuto - Run'N'Gun Bundle with Z-Finder Adobe - 12 Month Subscription to Creative Cloud ThinkTank Photo - Airport Security Roller Atomos - Ninja Blade and Sun Hood giveaway-day4 Congratulations to our all winners and thank you all for being part of our Season of Giving Giveaway! Even though the giveaway is over, there are still many deals to be had, check out our Seasonal Calendar for more info! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more amazing products (not to mention specials, prizes, videos, articles and more) from the Zacuto Team. #withmycamera
Previous article 10 Reasons Why I Chose the Zacuto Kameleon EVF

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